Teaching of Tathagata - 26.11.06
26 Nov. 2006 (After his travel to Malaysia, Thailand and Cambodia for three weeks)
The most fundamental thing that you should know in your living is how the things in the world are fixed.
All of the things in the world have been determined by one principle. This is the secret that makes everything come into existence.
What does the principle mean?
The principle is that you are to do something endlessly due to your 'motae' which was composed entirely of what happened to you.
Then, what do I mean by what happened to oneself?
For example, if you add red colour into white you will find changed colour, then put black on that,and there will be a different colour.
A kind of material transforms by what is in it when they meet certain conditions. Humans spirit is the same as this.
All the phenomena appears by what was in your life.
People do not think much of my perfect Enlightenment. I myself do not have actual feeling from time to time.
What is Enlightenment? How do you define Enlightenment?
Enlightenment means opening one's eye to the things in the world. Tathagata is the being who opened his eye completely to the world. He is the being who attained a perfect Enlightenment.
Meanwhile, when you can recognise something from learning you are in the state of awareness of something through a certain thing.
When I say that I see and know, it means I realise something.
A few days ago, I have heard that there was a Supreme Master TV in U.S.and they make programs of enlightened masters. I would like to send my disciple to them and have an interview with them. She will tell them the definition of Enlightenment. If they ask her 'Can you distinguish the enlightened one from the not enlightened one?',she will answer, 'Yes, I can. Since I have learned from the master of Supreme Enlightenment, I can tell you what the enlightened being can see.'
Here is something that you can hardly understand. These days there are lots of people who say that they are enlightened. The real enlightened one must see the things in the world. For example, everybody wishes to be happy. The real enlightened one explains this matter in this way. Where the happiness is. What happiness is. What is the way to happiness. What is the cause to lead you to the goal of happiness. The Enlightenment teacher must see things in this way. Otherwise, we can not agree with his claim of Enlightenment.
Somebody who sits in the house can know what happens outside. The enlightened one is not a being like him. The enlightened one can know only when he sees. Some people can tell what is behind the wall without seeing. It is possible for them since one spirit or many of them have entered their body. The spirits see and inform to living people who are possessed by them. They can read other people's mind. Mediums and fortune-tellers do this. In Korea, among the Buddhist monks who are known as the enlightened, there are lots of monks who show this ability.
The gods, we call them as spirits, ghosts or dead souls, are in the condition that the consciousness of the dead attaches on energy. The gods can see and recognise something, but they can not express or receive on their own because they do not have the body of life. The energy without the body of life can't do anything. We have a number of farmers among our members. However you pray hard to have god's help, it is impossible for gods even with big power to remove one root of grass.
The floating energy does not have its own body. That's why they can read other's minds.
They can see these things but they can't see what is in truth. The world is operated by the things in truth. Then, what are in truths ? They are the causes which come to the origins of phenomena. Every phenomenon that appears in the world has it's own cause. Phenomenon can be seen through your eyes. Green leaves in summer time turn red in autumn.
So you can tell who is enlightened or not when you have a little of knowledge. However since people in this era do not have such knowledge they cannot see things in the phenomena. That's why they are wandering all the time.
Teaching of Tathagata - 10.12.06
You should listen to me with the focus on how you will see this world. I told you about the ideal and reality and I took Cambodia as a good example, where I travelled a few weeks ago. As you know Cambodia is one of the poorest countries in the world. However I've never seen such a country blessed with nature. I went to Phenom Pen from Bangkok by bus and it took 8 hours from the border to Phenom Pen. There were endless rice paddy fields and I could see only a few small mountains and several villages during bus travel. Because they didn't cultivate their land properly people are poor and hungry. When I walked in the street children came to me and begged for money. They are used to follow strangers. I scolded them 'You live in the country that is blessed with such a wonderful land. I came from Korea which has only mountains and a heavy population. Who begs to who?'
As I explained to you in last class the tragedy of this country is caused by Pol Pot who had his idealism but no eye to understand the reality. His idea had some reason but he only gave suffering to his people and destroyed the society. He did not know humans nature. He was ignorant about the principle that operates the world. He failed because he did not know what he was doing. This is what I always warn to people in this era. I try to awake people and help them become aware as they are. They should realise the gap between ideal and reality and the danger of faith without verification.
I visited a big Buddhist's temple in the city center and met a famous monk who was introduced by a professor in Royal Phenom Pen University. I asked him "Do you have any teachings in your Buddhism?". He answered "Yes". When I asked what are they, he explained about the five precepts. I laughed and said "You speak a lie from the time you get up in the morning everyday but you think you keep the precepts, because you don't know when someone who is blind speaks something that he cannot realise, it becomes lying."
"You speak something about Buddha and his teachings everyday. If you have any one truth of your words show me the proof."
This is very important point. When I asked for proof of their truth, the mood of conversation changed.
Here, I emphasise that you also can speak a lie if you speak something carelessly without view or without confirming it by yourself.
Here is something I am always very anxious about. There are some people who come to me by the guide of gods. They obtained those gods from their hard pray toward stone buddhas or wooden buddhas. If they earn my mind even once they can get what they want. But the problem is that once they solve their difficulties they never come back to me.
Soyun had a friend who was in an extremely difficult situation because of her husband .
Finally she came to me and I taught her how to control him. From my view he was not normal and his terrible behavior was a kind of habit. She applied my advice to him and the effect appeared so rapidly. The position of two was reversed . Now she is a cat and he is a mouse. It took 30 years for her to have her freedom from her husband. And she herself changed as well. She never came back to us and is not willing to meet Soyun either. Most of the people are the same as her. When they find no way they come to me once or twice, but I hardly see them again after they solve their problems.
Then why does this happen? I told you many times. In order to gain good you need a bond. We associate with one another as we have fate.When I travelled west of India, sometimes I saw the peacocks. There were always one or two, they never played with the crows or other birds. The peacock was alone, so looked very lonely. Even though he visits crows and begs for company, they don't allow. If he displays with his tail to attract them, they will be upset. The more he tries the more they hate him and are jealous.
One day I was in a bar with my old acquaintance and his friends. He praised me and showed high expectation of my role for this society. Then a women requested me to have a chance to meet me. She wanted my phone number. I told her "I may seem somewhat great here now, but you will forget me soon." Because she had little bond with me. Birds of a feather flock together. Different kinds of origin cannot be mixed. Lots of people came and left when they solved their difficult problems. They never come back. I was nothing more than a public toilet. Few of them remain. A long time ago Gautama had the same condition as me. He walked the long long way until his age of more than eighty, not for showing off himself but for finding people.
Here I 'd like to point out one thing you should know regarding Gautama Buddha's way to teach. Today so called meditation has become immensely popular. Buddhist monks say that Buddha was enlightened through meditation, but that is absolutely wrong. It is true when he did not find anything to do he sat down during the period of his practice. He practiced asceticism and he fought against himself through the practice. Since he was born as a prince he had lived in comfortable condition. However he threw himself into extremely bad condition of starvation, cold and hot weather, attacks of insects,etc, and fought against himself and finally won. It was a fighting to find good self. But modern meditation teaches how to leave yourself.
These days most of the meditation instructors teach people to concentrate on their breath. You shouldn't think anything and should leave everything. So I asked them," Is that what Buddha taught?". They said "Yes, it is.".They claimed that Buddha instructed those practitioners to do like that. That's totally wrong.
When a group of people gathered without any particular things to do, they become to wander and to get lots of useless thinking .Moreover, if they loiter here and there with illusion they are likely to commit some mishaps. That 's why he let them to sit calmly and try to meditate and observe about what they saw, what they heard. They were guided to search the way to reach the truths of what happened to themselves. They were asked to survey what was in them and to see what causes create such things. After a close examination they should allow themselves to accept the reality only. That was the best way to cultivate humans. In short, Buddha taught them to think deeply and observe in order to save themselves from falsehood through confirming the truths of what they heard or saw.
On the contrary, the existing Buddhism requests you to leave everything. Buddha gave you the way to save yourself, while today's religion guides you to leave yourself. The other spirits cannot invade someone who tries to save self, but if you leave yourself the soul of the dead that was roaming in the air enters to you immediately. You are like a deserted empty car, so other's soul occupies your seat and may tell you, "Have a rest and let me drive your body." . If you have a weak soul it will suppress you completely and drive you on his own.
I always learn from my travels. I say that I rather learn from you and I myself am a guidance of you. I help you to see the world carefully by explaining things as they are. In fact, you teach me. The best guru in the world is the world itself. What exists in the world is the best teaching. People are the elements that constitute the world, so I have been learning a lot from them as well.
Recently I was agonising on the matter of how to treat people. I became to wonder how much of truth is allowed to tell regarding personal destiny. You cannot come to me with bad destiny. Even if you came to me by a kind of bond, you will find it difficult to change your destiny unless you cultivate the bond well.
The way of the present life is fixed by your karma of last life. We call it as a destiny. This destiny creates various phenomena when it meets with the reality of life. And the karma becomes a 'motae' (origin) which creates your disposition, nature and vision and so on. I always tell you that nobody can be free from their karma which they have done .The ordinary people cannot understand this at all. Moreover when they learn this without any previous knowledge they cannot distinguish my words from a minister's or monk's. Especially those ministers who are the experts to deceive people. They pray for someone who they never met before and it sounds really grateful. Their well trained voice is flowing like the instruments. The ministers, monks and mediums do the same job. But only people cannot separate them because they do not understand them as they really are.
When I travelled Thailand a few weeks ago I underwent the same hardships as usual. No matter how hard I tried to meet people and awake them they doubted me, avoided me and didn't listen to me. Several years ago I printed 200 sheets of my message that introduced myself but I still have 100 sheets of them left, because I don't find someone who I want to give it to or who wants to read it either. In my message I told that I was the Supreme Enlightened being and have been travelling endlessly to be helpful to mankind. I appealed that I earnestly required your confirmation on my claims. However nobody is interested in my words, nobody tries to verify it. The only thing what they can do is doubt and guard. Why does it happen ? Because of their karma. They became the monks as they did not have any merit in their past lives. That's why they always deceive people and are greedy. Greed is what you should leave in life because it leads you to being easily cheated by others. If you are greedy you are not helpful to yourself or others as well. You are suffered with ill-fortune. When I see what modern religion does, they always teach people to forgive. They never teach the way to live on the right way. What on earth do you have to forgive ?
The most essential teaching is that how people live on the right way. In order to lead people to the right way you should reveal the world. The best teaching is to reveal things in the reality. The world itself is the best teacher. You know how you missed the bread when you were hungry. Someone who has experienced starvation does not waste money because they had learned suffering. The world taught them to save money.
If you depend on the other's help, you are in danger to be trapped. If you ask gods' help by a prayer you may get a temporary response but you have to pay back with your soul. What is the result of that ? Your soul will be ruined. It means you have to give yourself to the ghosts and it is too miserable. Therefore, learning what is in actuality is most worthy for your life.
The greatest worth of life is to awake yourself and be aware of true yourself. You can bless yourself through a righteous and grand life.
Why is this class precious to you? Because you are the blind one. Because you need someone's guide for your wishes. A good guidance lets you open your eye by teaching things what are in reality. Because everything in the world is fixed.
Teaching of Tathagata - 17.12.06
December 17 2006 Busan Lecture
It's difficult for ordinary people to distinguish a lie from a truth without confirmation. So people are always cheated by a lie when they do not know. The most important teaching of the saints who lived in the world was that you should be aware of untruth.
Then what is the definition of a lie? A lie means you don't speak something as it really is.
When I visited the president of the Union of National Spiritualists in London I told him the difference between false religion and right religion. If they teach untruth then they are the false religion. Meanwhile if they tell truth then they are right religion. It doesn't matter whether they are a big group or not or whether they have a long tradition or not.
When I travelled India I talked to some Buddhist monks. They told me 'What you speak is the same as what Gautama Buddha said 3000 years ago.' I answered them 'You may be right. As he was also enlightened, so our explanation could be the same when we talk about the same thing. But the problem is that his teachings have been changed in quality by the Buddhists. Like when food goes bad it becomes poisonous and harms people when they eat it. When people learn the deteriorated truths their souls are poisoned by wrong knowledge.'
From now on I would like to explain how humans can lead their souls to the eternal life. Many creatures, even lots of spirits, wrong religious people or some people who have heavy karma have been looking for this secret, but nobody understood. However you cannot attain this goal by listening or knowing only. It definitely requires your hard practice through your life to have the result. I repeated again and again how the soul is made and what is the role of life and what will happen after your death. But my teaching doesn't enter to your consciousness well.
Why? Because you cannot see the reality. From your point of view it doesn't seem real, so it's very hard for you to accept my words and practice them.
Then, what is the eternal life ? It means that by keeping things in your motae you make them come to life again endlessly.
A man makes one soul in him and the soul has everything that happened to him.
When I met the vice-chancellor of Pune University in India I have explained about soul. He invited me and asked
'Could you tell me where is my soul ?'
"Yes, I can. But before I teach you I 'd like to ask you one question."
"Where did a bean come from?"
'A bean came from a bean, right?'
He gave me the right answer. Most people think that a bean came from the ground and a bean itself may know that it is from the earth as it roots into soil. After I checked his ability to listen I gave the answer to his question. "That's right. A bean was born from a bean. The earth is its mother-body, while a bean was its origin.
The secret of the eternal life is in your motae (origin). If your motae is strong you will not find any problem to come to life again. A bean falls down and links to the earth then it will revive naturally.
Try to plant a bean and observe it. At first you will see a sprout from the seed and leaves from the sprout, and flowers from the leaves, finally a bean is beared from the flowers.When they become ripe, a bean tree stops its activity of life and dies but the new bean keeps everything that has happened to it in itself. Then its fruit revives. In this way what exists, exists forever.
Then what makes it possible for you to preserve yourself ? This is the riddle that you have to solve in this era. How can you keep your soul ?
After the changing period nothing can be hatched for 30-50 years. And many souls are decomposed by the activities of waves. It means a soul is destroyed. When you lose your motae you cannot be reborn.
There have been lots of people who were very interested in this question but nobody could see as it is not seen through a man's physical eyes.
I came to the world in this era and saw.
A soul of the dead is changed in quality because of its excessive activity. It acts on the ground because of its weight. If it is heavier it feels more like it is still alive. Those spirits try to enter into a living human body when they become more lonely and find it very hard to bear their conditions.
Therefore there is the most dangerous thing that you should be aware of and guard against in this era. Those are the roaming souls of outside. They are desperately trying to enter to the body of a living person. Once they enter they conquer the living body and prevent the activity of the real owner. If you are in this situation and you are not free to act by your own will because of their constant influences, then you don't have a chance to get the eternal life or at the least you will be seriously damaged and unable to attain the level of eternal life dimension.
Karma is an essence of the secret of motae. No matter how intelligent you may be, if you cannot control your karma you cannot preserve your motae for a long time. When you can stop the activity of karma you are in the state of nirvana. It is easy to speak and simple in theory but it is difficult in reality. If you sew an apple pip you will have an apple tree forever. Its motae was the apple and it knows how to make apple only. You need the capacity to change what is in you. When you can stop your karma, it is possible for you to move. You need to train yourself for that. That training does not mean sitting like meditation practice.
First of all you should be aware of reality and try. How to try ? You should see the reason of the world, then change your way. When you are well trained to stop your karma you can choose what is right for the reason. When you completely stop your karma you are in calmness. You are in peace, so you do not feel whether you live or die. When your soul is light enough after losing the weight of karma it will float in the sky as high as white cloud. It means that your soul stays in a safe space, away from the wave of the changing period.
Teaching of Tathagata - 24.12.06
I have heard like this from Master Tathagata :
The subject of eternal life has been one that has generated much interest among humans. You can live permanently by repeating birth and death when you have certain bonds. You die when you are connected to that bond.
You are born when you have that bond as well.
In order to know the worth of life you need to understand a little of how a life is composed and comes to the world again.
The origin of life is generated by the activities of the world and that original energy keeps evolving endlessly. When that origin of life meets a bond in the process it is possible for itself to create a living creature. The creature keeps its bond in it and we call it as 'motae '. So, the motae is created by the bond and a life comes back to the world by its motae.
Then how can you present the eternal life to yourself ?
Stop your karma, you will live forever. It is easy to say, but actually it is hard for you to control the activities of your karma. You are absolutely controlled by what you have done because of your motae. Everybody has every different way of life because of what is in their motae.
All the saints requested others to confirm even what they themselves had taught. But the evil ones or the swindlers never say to you to confirm what they have said. Instead, they order you to trust them. I always emphasize on confirmation before believing something. What I say at this moment also requires your constant confirmation through the things in the world.
For example, here is a pear and it can make itself exist forever if it meets a good farmer. All the creatures keep their crystal of all their bonds in their fruit and they revive through their own fruit.
Then, what prevents you from revival ? You cannot be reincarnated in case you destroy your energy because of the activities of your karma. Nor can you be reborn when you lose the right time to revive when your soul attaches to the human world. A researcher informed that a seed had sprouted which was in a fossil for several thousand years. It is possible according to the conditions to be preserved. Meanwhile some seeds cannot sprout even one year later when they were worm-eaten or decayed. It indicates that a living creature cannot revive when it lose its energy in its own motae. So, if you stop the activities of your karma you can keep the energy in your motae for hundreds to thousands years. You can stay in the higher space for around 500 years or 1000 years in an extremly comfortable state. That's like having a happy dream. After 1000 years you can be reborn when you come down to the world and get a bond again. In this way you can continue this process for 10,000 years or forever.
You cannot stop your karma by your determination or desire to do so. You need to know the way. What is the way ? You should awaken yourself. What is the essence for awakening ? You should save yourself from a lie. How you can protect yourself from a lie ? You should learn from things in reality. If you do not know things in the world you are decieved. If you know then you can take benefit from the world. This is what the world is like. You are always cheated by others because you lack the spirit to confirm. In order not to be decieved you should awake yourself. In order not to decieve others you should awake yourself.
The paramount point of the secret of eternal life is that you should remove a lie that is in yourself. It is impossible for you to live forever if you believe in a lie or you have got a lie in you. When you have a lie in you, you follow what your karma orders. In spite of your ignorance you accept what you do not understand and act what you accept.
The way to leave a lie is that you should meet a man of truth and see his life and learn from his life. When you leave some of your lies you start recognizing as it is. The eternal life, deliverance and enlightenment are the some of the best teachings for humans. How can you cause something for these good results ? First of all you need a good bond. In order to find a good bond you should open your eye to the world. Can you go to heaven only if you go to a church and believe in God ? It is like you want to arrive somewhere by the road of illusion. It is like you want to fly without wings. It is a dream of a bear that wants to fly in the sky.
You should regard a good cause and connection most preciously.
Here is the way to gain the good result of life.
Firstly, meet a man of truth.
Secondly, open your eye to the things in the world.
Thirdly, do not tell a lie when you can see the world.
Teaching of Tathagata - 25.02.07
When you come to this meeting you should have a clear purpose. Otherwise it will not be so helpful to both of us. We haven't met for 45 days during my travelling. I would like to emphasise that you need to try more to know how things happen inside of you. We visited almost ten top universities in U.S. such as Princeton, Harvard, Yale, MIT, Cal Tech, Berkeley, Stanford, Colombia, USA and NYU,etc. Those are some of the best universities in the world. We recorded more than 30 meetings with the professors in a variety of studies. When you listen to our conversation you may easily understand the difference in the result of learning from them and from me. I never met anyone who understood properly about what they learned or what they had been teaching. Even the scientist who won the best scientist prize in the world did not understand the substance in his paper. I also met many scientists who study gravity. No one knew the substance of gravity, including some researchers in NASA. In order to meet them I studied gravity for 30 minutes, but when I met them I said " I searched for your specialty for 2 hours."
Of course, someone of them regarded me as a crazy man.
It was when I met a philosopher who taught at Princeton University.
I told him" You probably never met a person like me."
He quickly responded "No, I did. But he was a schizophrenic." And he drove us out roughly.
This is very important.
If I speak slightly wrong I am easily treated as an abnormal person.
A scientist who studies gravity said that every substances of gravity will be revealed soon and they measured the gravity through a lot of collision experiments.
Gravity is not seen with our naked eyes and can not be measured by scientific instruments as well.
What they do is no more than a pressure test.
I always learn rather more than I teach through my travelling.
All of them were too busy to listen to me. Meeting time was very short so I didn't have enough time to tell them something important.
Some scholars were arrogant. Then I asked them.
"How would you explain what you searched so that people understand easily ? What principle will you use for explanation ?"
They could not answer.
I asked one philosopher. "Do you know what is the definition of philosophy ?"
He said that he never thought about that.
It meant he did not know any meaning of what he had learned and had been teaching.
I had a little talk with a student in economics department.
"How much do you spend for your courses ?"
He said "I need $43,000 per year. In my case, I spend $47,000 because my family is in LA."
"What did you become to know after spending such a huge amount of money?"
"Nothing really. I don't think I learn much."
"Then why do you go to school ?"
"I need a certificate. My degree will be helpful for my job and marriage as well."
Those students learn just words without any principle or questions.
They learn how to make their own words and they will teach the next generation.
In this way human's consciousness becomes worse.
They never wanted to meet me if I introduce myself as an Enlightened Being. I introduced myself as the best expert of all the parts of studies except mathematics and languages.
I saw the world of their studies from time to time in order to meet those experts.
I became to understand the world soon after my observation for 30 minutes.
I could solve very easily those riddles that the human world could not solve for thousands of years..
I failed to teach them what I saw as they did not give me any chance, but this travel contributed us to understand more this world.
Today in America, the hottest issue is global warming. The temperature of the earth surface is increasing . This problem came from a change of gravity field.
Scientists do not know the basic step of this phenomenon.
How gravity was formed ?
How can the formed gravity preserve itself ?
How gravity loses itself ?
What circumstance destroys the balance of gravity ?
What is the role of gravity on the ecosystem ?...etc.
Those scientists who I met did not have any knowledge about above questions.
Some of them said "Nobody knows"
The earth is run by a perfect science.
It reacts precisely by a slight change.
During my meetings with the scientists I confirmed that my prediction about the end of the world was accurate.
Well, in this situation the important thing is your decision. Will you save yourself or kill yourself ? Will you remain yourself forever or will you die forever?
Everything in the world has been decided.
You can save yourself through your knowledge of the world only. Otherwise you will kill yourself.
There are two major powers to lead this world to the end.
They are religion and universities.
Nevertheless, I do not have other places to visit and talk.
If you want to know, learn from a knowing person. If not, learn from a man who does not know.
The principle of the world is so simple.
Teaching of Tathagata - 04.03.07
The most important thing in life is that we recognize what is inside ourselves.
Let's study in this class how we will be able to realize them.
During my travelling for 5 weeks in America I met lots of people who were very famous for their studies. Throughout the meetings with them I really felt the limitation of human's knowledge. I clearly pointed out things as they were and explained to them with many examples but they did not realize what I showed. What I said seemed totally unfamiliar to them.
If you listen to the cd* very carefully and observe our conversation in those meetings I believe that you will easily understand what I say now. In order to know the world you should not depend on your thinking. I asked a biologist who was a professor in Cal Tech, "How much percent do you understand about what you teach ?" He answered with a smile "Maybe 5 percent..." but he corrected quickly. "Maybe less than 1 percent.." I suggested to him " I can help you to achieve up to 80% of understanding within 2 years, will you accept my proposal ?" He said "No." Do you know why ? He has been studying that for 30-40 years, but he knew he learned very little. He could not agree with my proposal. I explained to him about the process. When you start to learn maths you should learn numbers first, from 1 to 10. Secondly, you need to learn how to calculate, that is a formula. Third, you learn how to see the question by the cases.
Afterwards everything becomes simple. Like this, when we try to understand things in the world the principle is the most important. You can not see anything if you do not know how a question is formed. That's why I kept questioning to them, "What principle do you use in searching the matter, in confirming it and in teaching it ?" Nobody could answer properly to this question. And this is the reality of today's world. Although we are a small group and small numbers of people, what we are doing is not so light. We failed to persuade people in this trip but you will realize that our knowledge and information is superior to any other intellectual groups in the whole world. Our members who have been studying here for a long time are very smart.
As long as you have a connection with me you can not be bankrupted. If you don't act what makes you fail it doesn't happen. This is the law of the world. This is the law of cause and occasions. Fate will be opened from every links you are related to. What happens in the world opens the door of the world. When we know these cases we can live freely in every ways we want. This is a very simple truth of the world. A simple truth means something as it really is.
*Tathagata records all his meetings and members can listen to them on CD